Utilisation du widget Safe +

Utilisation du widget Safe +

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Using the Safe + Widget you can access items near to your current location with one tap.

You can start using the widget as follows:

iPhone Home Screen with Safe + and Widget

  • From the Réglages in the section Extensions Safe + make sure, that the Safe + v10 Feature Upgrade is activated. If you bought Safe + v9.5 or later, the v10 features are for free.
  • Turn the widget on from the Réglages in the Général section.
  • Add the Safe + Widget from the L’Affichage du Jour.
  • From the iOS Réglages make sure, that Safe + and the widget have access to your Position.
  • Add Emplacements to your Articles.

Note: Widgets are not updated in real time. iOS limits the number of updates per day to increase battery life.
That is why Safe + has a function to update the widget when the geo-position changes:

  • To do this, grant Safe + « Toujours » access to your Position in the iOS Réglages.
  • Start Safe + and keep it running in background in the Sélecteur d’App.